Thursday, November 29, 2012


小嘉乐满月了!出世只有五磅八的他, 现在有十磅了!妈妈真伟大!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fancy dress party--halloween event

Our special event 2012! Fancy dress , halloween costume, zombie character...... costume line dance party @ Queenstown community Centre on 27th October, Saturday. run by TBK

Monday, November 12, 2012


小乐乐一天天长大, 也精灵多了, 感恩!


小嘉乐满月了, 不仅是件开心事, 代表我们对他的一种祝福, 让他健康长大。我们只做了个简单吃中餐聚会,11/11/2012 在奶奶家。 小嘉乐, 祝你永远快乐健康, 助人为善。

Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Friday, August 3, 2012

希 望



很久之前有只年轻的大笨象在原野上看到有七个被人遗弃的小孩,大笨象含辛茹苦地把他们带大 后来这七个小孩长大后各自成家都离开了大象养母,但是每次一遇到挫折失败,这七个小孩就会回家找大象妈妈伸手要粮,象妈妈总是竭尽所能 将仅有的粮食全部奉上。
  意思是一些人钱财积聚得很多,尽管到死也用不完,还是贪心不足地聚敛;一心为非作歹,无所顾忌,直到走投无路时,才想到要改邪归正。人的贪婪, 往往到了无法回头的地步才幡然悔悟,可惜已晚。

看了“毕打自己人” 後感。

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My New Toy From Hawaii

I received this from YT , is a belated mother's day present. I love it so much. So do all my dance kaki. Even my self group ladies, hahaha!

Monday, July 16, 2012

My art/craft project

 My littlt project is done.

Sunday, June 24, 2012



正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下 Zhengxintai, self-cultivation, regulating the family, country and the world
  《礼记·大学》 "The Book of Rites, University of

原 文是“古之欲明明德于天下者;先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身; 欲修其身者,先正其心;……心正而后身修,身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。”大意是说:古代那些要使美德彰明于天下的人,要先治理好他的国 家;要治理好国家的人,要先整顿好自己的家;要整顿好家的人,要先进行自我修养;要进行自我修养的人,要先端正他的思想……思想端正了,然后自我修养完 善;自我修养完善了,然后家庭整顿有序;家庭整顿好了,然后国家安定繁荣;国家安定繁荣了,然后天下平定。
 The original ancient desire manifesting the clear to the world; first put the nation; want to put the nation first put the family; For Qi Homeless Pre-its body; of Yuxiu its body, the first being its heart; ...... The heart is then the body repair, body repair then Garcia Garcia then State governance, national governance and then the world level. "effect that: those ancient times to make the virtues of exposing to the world of people, we must first govern his country; governance the people of the state, we must first rectify their own home; to shake up a good home, to conduct a self-cultivation; people to self-cultivation, we must first correct his thinking ... thinking correct, and improve self-cultivation; improve the self-cultivation, and then ordered the family to rectify; family rectify, then the national stability and prosperity; national stability and prosperity, and then the world pacification.
这是儒家思想传 统中知识分子尊崇的信条。 This is the creed of respected intellectuals in the Confucian tradition. 以自我完善为基础,通过治理家庭,直到平定天下,是几千年来无数知识者的最高理 想。 Based on self-improvement through the management of the family, until the pacification of the world, the highest ideal of numerous knowledge thousands of years. 然而实际上,成功的机会少,失望的时候多,于是又出现了“穷则独善其身,达则兼 济天下”的思想。 In practice, however, the less chance of success, disappointed, so "the poor are spared, up to and the world economy" thinking. “正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的人生理想与“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天 下”的积极而达观的态度相互结合补充,几千年中影响始终不衰。 The ideals of the "Sacred Hearts, self-cultivation, regulating the family, governing the country, the world" and the "poor excepted, and combined with each other to add up and the world economy" positive and philosophical attitude, affecting thousands of years, still not bad.
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Do you think this is hard, but I heard this message from a graduation speech, the guest of honor quoted this to encourage the graduates in a easy-to-understand, yet fun way.