Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My new project--The bed cover

This is my new craft, bed cover. I need 840 pics of flowers to made one King size bed cover. Now only 1/4 done ---- long way to go. Hope I can finish it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Beautiful soundtracks from Movies

Now a day I am so relax on weekdays morning. After doing" Quiet time for Lord, Quiet time for prayer. ", I'll do reading , checking e-mail, a little bit of houseworks, writing blogs sometime only.
Ones , I found this beautiful soundtracks from beautiful famous movies;

The Notebook,    The Lake--Aaron Zigman
Forest Gump,     In Forest--Alan Silvestri
The cides house rules--Rachel Postman
Chocolat--Rachel Postman
Romeo and Julie,     A time for us--Nino Rota
Braveheart--James Horner
Legend of the Fall-- James Horner
Titanic,   The portrait-- James Horner

Enjoy yourself, with loves.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Farewell dinner @ XinCuisine

That dinner specially for our little niece, plus goddaugther, Jing Jing.
She is going back to Australia to study, and she will miss her 21st birthday celebration in Singapore.
So we did the farewell n birthday together on  last Saturday night.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Quiet time with God--1

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might sin against you. "  Psalm 119:11

“ 我将你的话藏在心里, 免得我得罪你”



好听的歌: 掌声响起---                    敲敲门---
                     今宵多珍重---                夜空---
                     流水年华---                    爱的礼物---
                     苦酒满杯---                    一颗红豆---
                     好好爱我---                    爱你在心口难开---
                     茉莉花---                        望春风---
                     追梦人---                        枫叶一片片---

Thank you very much for giving me wonderful childhood memories.

“华语是我们最美的文字, 也是华人的骄傲。”

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My valentines surprise

This was the surprise we recieved, it came yesterday 11.30am, from Zhiying (from Japan); Daniel and Muu Muu. A New York Cheesecake fled from new york, thro japan, to singapore. Just don't understand how it travelled so fast ,yet so stable. Thank you so much, my darling girl. Love you .I like it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine day

I received this from friend today, is true.
这一生最美的祝福。 。。。就是认识主耶稣!
他是我们最知心的朋友, 有了他, 天天Happy, Happy, Happy.

Friday, February 10, 2012

A letter from far away land

I met her at Landmark Forum, a 63 years old lady, full of energetic , full of ideas. She inspires me a lot. She flew in from Taiwan, to join our three days intensive course, then flew back to look after her granddaughter, age 7. What a lady? “ 活到老, 学到老”  Can we find any excuse to be lazy?

Sunday, February 5, 2012


昨天, 我们的小组在小秋家聚会, 共12个组员出席。
每个都怀着一颗赤子之心, 兴兴奋奋准时到达。感谢!感恩!
除了吃喝谈天之外, 我们也分享传福音的问题 和信心,愿神祝福我们能合心合力,一起相处愉快。
Looking  forward for another gathering.

愿上帝的救恩能临到每个朋友和他们的家人身上, 愿神祝福他们!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

歌仔戏---The Puppet show

We found this near our places while we strolled around our neighborhood, was ran by a Chinese Temple. On their special new year event. The puppet sang in Hokkien dialect , and they costumes are quite nice and new. Now we don't see this very often. Chinese culture show become lesser and lesser.