Thursday, January 12, 2012


It is an interesting question to answer to myself: I love to do it.Thank you, girl!!!
I have been tagged by my daughter to join in this topic. She always has all sort of good ideas to share n to keep me up with this young people: Super!!

:: the tagged rules are as follows:

1. post these rules.
2. you must post 11 random things yourself.
3. answer the ques­tions the tag­ger set for you in their post.
4. cre­ate 11 new ques­tions for the peo­ple you tag to answer.
5. go to their blog and tell them that you've tagged them.
6. no stuff in the tag­ging sec­tion about ‘you are tagged if you are read­ing this.

The question is :1) is there a significance behind your name?
Yes, I think so. My dad told me , the name is so lady-like and feminine.

2)your favorite color / color combination?

I love green. It looks cool to me, look clean and bright, always remind me to have a sharp mind than blur for ever.

3) favorite thing you do to de-stress?
I go dancing, melt in the music and the dance step, and all the bump bump , shake shake! Sometime I go shopping too.

what is your motto in life?
Enjoy life, be happy. Count my blessings as many as I could. Help others that make me happy too!

what is your next upcoming (exciting) project?
Continue to write English blog , so to improve my English.
Finish my bible study, this is my fifth year !

describe your fashion style?
I love wearing pretty party dresses to attend Jam sessions or parties or dinners.

7) coffee or tea?
Coffee!! I enjoy drinking coffee with Yew Song, he taught me how to have a nice cup of coffee.

8)i collect...
I collect a lot of old things, one of them is buttons: I have many many different types of buttons.

9)what music do you listen to?
I love LINE dance music, I also like 50', 60', and 70' chinese old song "Tian Mi MI" is one of them.

do you prefer living in a house or an apartment?
House! Big house! Then I will have more space to keep all my collection and old stuff.

11)my favorite vacations?
Travel to Japan, USA and Europe were among my most memorable trips. My favorite trips: 1st 2010, visited Tze ying in December in Tokyo.

2nd 1993, visited California, to places like Disneyland, Yosemite Park, and the drive along the West Coast. With all my three children.
3rd 2009, visited central Europe with my two sons to St Petersburg, Moscow, Plague, Barcelona, Paris, then London.

Drop me any comment if you like, thank you !

1 comment:

::little projects in style:: said...

so cute! i love the pictures you added!! :) heehee!!

love you ma!